The most popular fly screen of all is the “roll-up” style and its invention has without any doubt revolutionised the industry, accelerating the creation of models that are essentially very similar in the way they work. The roll-up fly screen basically consists of a box inside which the mesh rolls up and unrolls, running up and down the side guides as it opens and closes.
The basic idea that led to the BAZAR fly screen concept was to try and find a system that would simplify as much as possible the efforts of all those people who enjoy DO-IT-YOURSELF projects. People wanting to fit a fly screen can be divided into two groups: those who are prepared to spend a little more and have their fly screen fitted by a tradesman, and those who prefer to carry out the job themselves.
BAZAR, born in the early 90s and patented by MEDAL, is a fly screen that actually appeals to both groups. However, by virtue of its innovative pressure mounting system ›› it has proven very popular in the DO-IT-YOURSELF sector, to such an extent that we estimate over 3 million kits have been sold, making it one of the most well-known and established fly screens on the market.
What makes it so simple?
The pressure mounting system » that is used not only on the box inside which the mesh is rolled as well as the side guides (a MEDAL registered patent that has suffered many attempts at imitation but which has never been equalled), involves no use of a drill (no holes need to be made in the wall), screws and wall plugs. The window frame remains intact, no dust or mess is created and it is just as easily taken down in the winter. To fix it in place all that’s needed is a small Allen wrench supplied in the kit.
What’s more – and this is a very worthy aspect – if a mistake is made when taking measurements or cutting the box or guides (something which does happen!), the system allows for any errors to be corrected up to 2 cm in width and 1 cm in height. In short, with the BAZAR fly screen you can’t go wrong!
Got more questions? Write to us at info@fly