15 June 2018


Adjustable brake for controlled opening

The self-adjusting brake is an optional extra for those seeking absolute perfection in their fly screen.

It can be installed at any time after screen installation and is a MEDAL-patented device. It has a number of advantages over the standard brake included with all fly screens:

  • More effective. Unlike the traditional fluid dynamic brake, the self-adjusting brake is not affected by temperature changes, giving it steadier movement.

  • Improved mechanism.
    Designed to provide more intense braking in the initial opening phase (where the spring has maximum force) before gradually reducing braking power as the fly screen closes, therefore ensuring the screen is fully wound back into the box.

Anti-stink bug kit

Code BA025

Who hasn’t experienced the annoying problem of stink bugs? They nest everywhere and will creep into even the smallest of crevices in window frames for the sake of getting indoors.

The fly screen mesh stops them, but when it is raised and wound up inside the box they can find a space to get in.

The ANTI-STINK BUG KIT acts as an effective barrier because the small brushes fitted to the box prevent them from entering.

Kit anti-cimice, optional linea Bazar

Mesh repair

Code BR036

It may happen that: you accidentally tear the mesh with an object while approaching it, the cat tears it with its claws, or over time a section of the mesh breaks due to wear but changing the whole screen is not feasible straight away. What do you do?

A very useful roll of adhesive mesh is available. Not just any tape, but an adhesive that blends in perfectly with the mesh of the fly screen and repairs it:

  • strong and hardwearing;
  • easy to apply;
Ripararete, optional linea Bazar
Ripararete, optional linea Bazar